Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monarch butterflies: Journey and Transformation

This past weekend I watched a video titled "The Incredible Journey of Butterflies" on PBS Video. It documents the 2,000 mile journey that the fall generation of monarch butterflies make from Canada and Northern America to the highlands of Mexico. I begin with a  few facts:

  • Most monarchs live 2 - 6 weeks as an adult. The total time frame for one butterfly's life cycle is 6 - 8 weeks: eggs --> caterpillar --> chrysalis --> butterfly. It grows inside the egg for about 4 days, then munches milkweed and grows as a monarch caterpillar for about 2 more weeks. The caterpillar's life inside the chrysalis is about 10 days before it forms wings and becomes a butterfly.
  • Unlike most monarchs, the 4th generation (the fall generation) does not die in the 6-8 weeks. They migrate south (a journey of over 2,000 miles) and live 6-8 months in Mexico or Southern California. They form clusters on trees to stay warm and when spring arrives they awaken and begin their journey back north.
  • The Mazahua people believe that the monarch butterflies represent the spirit of their ancestors. The monarch arrive in their community in late October/early November around the time of the Day of the Dead, a holiday where family gather to pray for and remember those who have died. 
  • Monarch butterflies are the only insects able to make a 2,000+ mile migration.
  • Caterpillars outgrow and shed their skin 4 times - the 5th time, the caterpillar disappears and a butterfly emerges.

Butterflies are a symbol of transformation for many cultures. The butterfly is a symbol of resurrection for Christians. Interesting, that something led me to watch this video on Easter Sunday. Interesting that the butterfly is a symbol of Easter. I didn't know that as a sat and watched the video. The change from a larva, a worm like creature, to a lifeless looking chrysalis, to the emergence of a magnificent, winged butterfly has often been used as a symbol of resurrection.  On Easter morning, I woke up unusually early ... 4:15. I began my morning with meditation/prayer and writing. Then something led me the PBS/Nova website and to the video on butterflies. I reflected that morning on Easter and on the meaning of resurrection. I wrote about it on my blog, MarilouReflects. I was considering writing about butterflies that morning but chose to wait and write about it for our Kaleidescope Spirits blog. If I had known, would it have mattered?

Easter and resurrection have an entirely new meaning for me now. Butterflies remind me how we are all in a constant state of transformation. We all have the ability to soar. Scientists consider the migration of monarchs a mystery - not understanding what triggers the migration of and eventual congregation of millions of monarch butterflies in the highlands of Mexico - to me, it's a miracle. Even when monarchs were displaced to another state (Washington, DC) they were able to change their course from heading straight south, to heading southwest. How did they know to change course? How are they able to find their way? And how do millions of monarchs from across the country know to end up in the same place? Scientists say, "the butterfly is acquiring 'celestial' information" ...  they are unable to explain what happens.

The butterfly has made its presence known to me on Easter sunday ... i've never really paid much attention to butterflies, nor had much of a curiosity to learn more about them in the past. I think the butterfly is telling me something ....

to be born again ...
   to transform ...
       to trust in the journey.

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